The Power of Sports in Social Media: How Athletes are Shaping Online Conversations


As social media continues to dominate our daily lives, athletes have found a powerful platform to connect with fans, promote their sport, and drive social change. This article explores the impact of sports on social media and how athletes are shaping online conversations.

Social Media as a Source of Inspiration and Motivation

A recent study found that most respondents regularly use social media to find inspiration and motivation for a sporty and healthy life. Instagram is the most popular platform for sport-related use, with nearly half of participants citing sport as their primary usage motive. The study focused on young adults engaging in resistance training and endurance sports, with team sports being less prevalent due to pandemic restrictions.

Breaking Barriers in Women’s Sports

Despite growing viewership and fan engagement, women’s sports are often underrepresented in traditional sports media. Women athletes have turned to social media to connect with fans, grow their leagues, and amplify their voices. By leveraging their digital influence, female athletes have successfully campaigned for equal pay, LGBTQ rights, and political activism, among other causes.

Challenging Traditional Media Gatekeeping

Historically, traditional media outlets have played a significant role in shaping public discourse around sports. However, the rise of social media has disrupted this dynamic, allowing athletes to bypass gatekeepers and share their stories directly with fans. This shift has led to a more diverse and inclusive sports landscape, with athletes advocating for social change both on and off the field.

Business and Sport: A Powerful Partnership

According to the World Economic Forum, business, and sport can work together for greater impact. By partnering with athletes and leveraging their online influence, businesses can help promote social change and create a more equitable sports environment. As athletes continue to shape online conversations, their power to drive change will only grow stronger.