Going the Distance: The Science Behind Endurance Sports and Athlete Performance


Endurance sports require a unique combination of physical and mental strength. Athletes must push themselves to the limit while maintaining focus and discipline. This article explores the science behind endurance sports, including the effects of intermittent fasting on athletic performance, the best personal trainer certifications, and the role of sports supplements in fueling endurance athletes.

Intermittent Fasting and Athletic Performance

Intermittent fasting involves going without food for periods of varying lengths and has been shown to affect athletic performance in various ways. While some studies report no change in aerobic capacity for elite athletes, others suggest that low glycogen reserves may limit performance in power sports. Strength training gains appear to be similar for those practicing intermittent fasting compared to a control diet. Athletes should consider their training schedules and individual needs before adopting intermittent fasting.

Trainer Academy: Best Personal Trainer Certification

Trainer Academy offers the Certified Personal Trainer Certification, which is considered the best overall certification for aspiring personal trainers. The program provides a custom learning management system, flashcards, practice exams, and affordable study packages. Students also gain access to the CoachesOnline training app, which offers a seamless way to train clients online through digitally- delivered training programs, workout technique videos, and accountability trackers.

Sports Supplements: Convenience vs. Natural Sources

Athletes often turn to sports supplements like running gels and protein powders for a convenient source of carbohydrates and proteins. While these supplements offer concentrated nutrients and less gut discomfort, they can be expensive and generate packaging waste. Athletes should weigh the pros and cons of supplements against natural food sources to determine the best fuel for their performance.

Meat Motor: Time Trial Pacing Power for Triathletes and Time Trial Cyclists

Meat Motor, a website dedicated to cycling and sports science, recently published an article on time trial pacing power for triathletes and time trial cyclists. The article discusses the importance of stable power outputs during longer races for optimal performance and cites a study that found varying power outputs can slow race times for longer distances. Endurance athletes should aim for stable power outputs to conserve energy, minimize fatigue, and generate the fastest speed across the course.