Fatal Inheritance: How a Father Escaped His Sons’ Deadly Plan


George was in intensive care after suffering a stroke. If his neighbor hadn’t found him, he probably would have died. His two adult hallways stood in the hallway in front of the sickroom and looked desperate.

George could only understand fragments of their conversation. But what he overheard made him question everything. His sons thought he was sleeping and discussed the inheritance. Her words dripped with greed.

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The boys had no idea

George, his two sons Eric and Giovanni still had no idea their father overheard them talking about his inheritance. They assumed they could still keep up the facade of how much they cared for him and how concerned they were about his condition.

Little did they know, however, that their father had actually hooked up with the police officer who had saved his life days earlier. All with the goal of teaching his sons a lesson.

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A shocking discovery

But the officer had actually found out something about the boys that shocked the man to the core. George had no idea his boys were capable of anything like this either, and his idea of ​​just teaching them a simple lesson suddenly turned into a desire for revenge.

He had spoiled these boys for years, but now he realized it had turned them into monsters. When the boys came in the next day, the officer was already waiting for them

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A lesson that gave way to revenge

Before Eric and Giovanni even realized what was going on, the officer had handcuffed them. They demanded an explanation and George was more than willing to give it to them.

And when the boys heard those words from their father’s lips, they knew they were done for. The old man knew everything and they were in big, big trouble.

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Help from a neighbor

It was thanks to one of his neighbors that old George had made it to the hospital in the first place. He had no idea what had happened to George, but he happened to see him through the window walking his dog past the old man’s house.

He was shocked to see George lying unconscious on his living room floor. The neighbor didn’t hesitate for a second. For a man his age, that could only mean bad news.

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Dial the emergency number

He started knocking on the window to get the old man’s attention. But when George didn’t move a muscle, the neighbor knew he had no choice but to call 911.

He had to get skilled workers to the scene as quickly as possible. An ambulance arrived, escorted by a police car, and they were more than willing to break down the front door. But they actually found that the door was unlocked and they could go straight in.

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Just focused on George

The police didn’t think to treat this place as a crime scene and so they just barged into the house with the sole aim of getting George to the ambulance as quickly as possible.

And while their quick thinking would prove crucial to George in the end, maybe they should have been a little more careful not to disturb anything in the house as they would be back there much sooner than expected…

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Hardly any family

George was taken to the hospital and one of the police officers who carried him, Marty, also took it upon himself to inform the family. But he quickly realized that the old man had a rather difficult family situation.

The more he learned about it, the sadder everything became. Of course, George no longer had his parents, but they had apparently kicked him out of the house when he was only 18 and then wanted nothing to do with him

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A lost daughter

But despite setting such a bad example, George decided to start a family and married a woman named Nicole and together they had two sons and a daughter named Ginny.

To the regret of the family, the daughter moved abroad when she was only 16, and after two years the family suddenly stopped hearing from her. They had tried everything to find her, but had ultimately been unsuccessful.

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A successful businessman

However, in the period between George’s marriage to Nicole and the loss of his daughter, he did manage to become an extremely successful businessman. He made millions of dollars in the stock market and had amassed a modest fortune.

Unfortunately, as always seems to be the case with money, it didn’t do him much good. It would ultimately be the cause of many more family problems. After his daughter’s disappearance, Nicole actually filed for a divorce.

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A heartbreaking divorce

This also happened around the time George was planning to quit work, meaning his fortune was probably at the highest level it would ever get to.

It became clear that Nicole had been waiting for this very moment, since now she could demand half the money from her future ex-husband. Another heavy blow to George’s golden heart.

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Only 2 sons left

The only family members George appeared to have were his two sons, Eric and Giovanni, who claimed to be successful businessmen themselves. They moved out of the house many years ago and had busy lives of their own, but as far as Marty could tell they still kept in touch with their father.

And so these were the only officers Marty could inform about George’s hospitalization. But he probably would have been better off not telling anyone.

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They weren’t surprised

Marty was surprised to hear the sons’ reaction. They didn’t even seem particularly shocked when they found out what had happened to their father. And while the neighbor might not know why George was passed out on the floor, both his sons were pretty sure it would have something to do with his heart.

Her father had apparently had problems with his heart for some time. The police took it at face value at the time. It sounded plausible. But were these guys actually telling the truth?

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Marty kept an eye on George

They both told Marty that they were on their way to the hospital and would get there sometime that evening. And that should mean the end of Officer Marty’s involvement in the case.

With the emphasis on “should be”. Because in the following days he could help himself to think back to the old man and his strange family situation. He even started keeping track of how he was doing in the hospital.

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His condition did not improve

Unfortunately, George’s condition had not improved significantly in the hospital. When he was admitted, doctors could not find anything in his medical history that suggested a cause for him simply collapsing on the floor.

And because they had a hard time finding a cause to fix, all they had to do for now was try to keep it stable. And fortunately, the doctors just managed to do that.

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Depends on the machines

For now, at least, George relied heavily on the machines he was attached to for survival. The hope was that this would only be temporary, but one can never be sure in such situations.

Also, if you don’t know what caused an episode, it becomes very difficult to prevent it from happening again. And that was also the sad news that Eric and Giovanni received when they arrived at the hospital.

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The boys came

The boys even seemed a little surprised that their father had survived. At his age, something like that could easily end fatally. They wanted to see him right away, but the doctor couldn’t allow it.

The man was still in very bad shape and couldn’t distract himself or think about anything. He had to focus on staying alive for now. The boys seemed visibly annoyed by this but of course had no choice but to accept.

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Good night

The night went relatively smoothly. George regained some of his strength but was still far too weak to communicate in the morning. And that would also be the case for the next few days.

His two sons stopped by every day to see if they could ask their father a few questions. But every time they found out that their father was still too weak to do anything, they immediately went back on their way, in a bad mood

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The strange behavior of the boys

The nurses taking care of George began to wonder why they shouldn’t just stay with their poor father for a while longer. There was no telling if the man would ever leave the hospital.

If they were in the area anyway, it would make a lot of sense to just stay here. One day, she even asked the boys what they were up to, but the only answer she got was, “None of your business.”

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The nurse kept informing Marty

This nurse also happened to be the hospital worker that Officer Marty kept in touch with to find out more about George’s situation. They both knew it wasn’t exactly physical, but the nurse found it admirable that Marty was still so concerned about the old man.

They also talked about his sons and Marty was surprised to hear about their behavior. But then he began to think about the strange conversation he had had with them when he informed the boys about their father’s accident.

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Marty couldn’t do anything

Something about this whole situation just didn’t sit right with him, but he didn’t have nearly enough reason to do anything about it or to investigate anything. He wasn’t even supposed to know what was going on in that hospital.

The only way to really get involved would be if the request came from George himself. But how was he supposed to do that? He didn’t suspect it yet, but it was precisely this request that was to be brought to him very soon.

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Finally an improvement

Four days after his admission to the hospital, George finally regained enough strength to actually do things like eat and drink and talk by himself.

But before the nurses managed to tell Eric and Giovanni about it, George was actually surprised to see that his sons had arrived earlier than usual that day. He looked forward to speaking to them again and was glad they stopped by so often. Unfortunately, this happiness would soon pass for the old man

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Overhear a conversation

When his sons came in, he pretended to be still asleep and very weak because he wanted to surprise his boys. But that plan would backfire, because when Eric and Giovanni saw their father still not responding, they struck up a conversation that George should never have heard.

It broke the old man’s heart to hear the only family members he had left, his own children, speak so heartlessly and callously of him.

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Discussion of inheritance

The boys discussed how annoying it was waiting for George to wake up. They just wanted to discuss the distribution of the inheritance with him and then they could finally go home.

Now they would have to spend another day with nothing but waiting and drinking in this filthy town. And after that conversation, they shook their father a little, but when he didn’t respond, they walked away again, probably just to come back tomorrow.

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Broken heart

George was heartbroken by the situation and really didn’t want to see anyone else that day. He just needed to be alone with his thoughts. But without his knowing it, he should actually get more visitors that day.

The nurse had informed officer Marty in the morning that George was finally awake and the officer had not hesitated to decide that he would come over to chat with George in the afternoon.

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Marty had many questions

He wanted to know so much about the old man, but when he entered the hospital room about half an hour later, he was startled and shocked to see the man with tears in his eyes.

But luckily George was in good enough shape to discuss everything that had happened that day. It was clear that he was above all very happy to finally have someone here who seemed to really care what he had to say.

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A terrible situation

Marty felt sorry for the old man when he heard how little his sons seemed to care about his health and welfare. Especially since he already knew so much about the old man’s troubled family history.

They also talked about how George finally passed out on the floor and this is where Marty suddenly started connecting some dots. Because it seemed like George had no idea what had happened to him.

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The boys had lied

Eric and Giovanni had told Officer Marty that their father had a history of heart problems, but according to George, that wasn’t true at all. He was actually in very good health and nothing like this has ever happened to him.

Even the doctors hadn’t found anything that could have caused the sudden collapse. Marty just couldn’t understand why the boys lied to him about something like that.

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Flat contact

George also told Marty that he was surprised his son would be in the hospital with him so soon. They both lived on the other side of the county, so it wasn’t like they could just drive over here.

It was a flight of at least 6 hours but after the phone call they apparently weren’t at the hospital until 3 hours later. They must be in the area already, but George had no idea. Which wasn’t entirely a surprise, since contact between the old man and his sons was superficial at best.

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I’ve been talking for a long time

Marty had been talking to George for about half an hour at this point and had become convinced that something strange was going on with this situation and that Eric and Giovanni might have had something to do with it.

He knew now that they had at least lied to him and he wanted an explanation for that. But simply asking them directly probably wouldn’t yield many results. They would just keep lying.

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Teach them a lesson

From what he learned about these boys, they were clearly very sophisticated and confident. There was no way they would just agree to talk to him again unless he had some way of forcing them to.

Or trick them. And maybe Marty could use George for that. He asked the old man if he would help him teach the boys a lesson about their behavior. And George was immediately very interested.

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Don’t tell the whole truth

He loved his boys and didn’t think badly of them, but it sounded like a very good idea to scare them a little and make them realize that they were being very disrespectful.

Maybe they would learn something from it and visit their old man more often. Marty knew that was very unlikely, but he lived up to his hopes in George. He knew if he told him what he really thought of the boys, the old man wouldn’t be working with him in a million years.

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Marty knew he had to do some research on these two boys first. He had no idea where exactly they lived, and of course George had no idea either.

All he had heard from his sons was whispers about their possible inheritance. So Marty informed George that he would be back later in the afternoon and that he wanted George then to call his sons to see him. He made it sound like a very simple plan.

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Sham arrest?

He told George he wanted to be there when the boys arrived and tell them they were being arrested. But of course it would only be a joke and a way to teach the boys a lesson.

George was enthusiastic about the plan and was in favor of it immediately. But what he didn’t know was that this was just a cover-up for Marty’s true intentions. Because if he were right about what these guys were up to, he would most likely have to actually arrest them.

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Make a police case out of it

Marty went back to the precinct and told his superiors what he had done. He wanted to make a case on the record about George and his manager was very much in favor of it.

He also realized that something strange was going on here that warrants further investigation. And that permission also granted Marty access to use the police databases for his new case. From here he would learn many interesting things about Eric and Giovanni.

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The boys had lied

George had told him that he was very surprised that his boys were even talking about his inheritance and estate as they were both very successful businessmen themselves.

Apparently they were a lot richer than him and didn’t need the extra money. But Marty quickly realized that was just a blatant lie, as these boys were far worse off than they had their father led them to believe.

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No successful businessmen

You could say they were businessmen, but the word ‘successful’ should probably be replaced with ‘failed’. They had both been given a fair chunk of change by George to start their ventures.

And although they had claimed to be big investments, it seemed that in reality most of the money had been spent on parties and the woman of the night. Basically it was all about having a nice and carefree time.

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Get money from George

What little money they tried to invest went into projects that failed utterly. Marty wondered how they were even able to survive because it seemed none of them had jobs anymore.

And after a quick call to George, Marty found out he was still paying his boys a monthly “allowance” that was about double minimum wage. Apparently he had done this in hopes that his boys would keep in touch with him.

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Take advantage

Another example of how these two despicable individuals took advantage of their poor father. The more Marty found out about her, the angrier he got at everything. And at that point he hadn’t even learned the worst of what these boys were up to.

But he would find out soon enough. But first he needed to know where they were in town. Because he now had a different idea of ​​how to find out the truth

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They rented a house

George quickly found out that Eric and Giovanni had rented an Airbnb together. It was a very nice big house just a 15 minute walk from the town center where the boys seem to spend a lot of time.

With a little help from their bank, George found out that they started spending money there every day from around 4pm. So it was finally time for George to take a little risk.

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No standard protocol

He knew the boys probably wouldn’t be home after 4pm and guessed they probably wouldn’t be too careful about locking the house since it wasn’t their house.

He figured there was a good chance he could easily get into the place and poke around. He knew this wasn’t standard protocol, but he had to do it to gain the upper hand when he finally confronted the boys.

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Nobody home

And so Marty arrived at the Airbnb around 5pm. It was a very beautiful house and the officer immediately noticed exactly what he wanted to see. He saw that a window was open on the first floor.

That would make getting into the building a breeze. But first he had to make sure that nobody was home, so George began to walk around the house carefully

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Enter through the window

He looked through all the windows and even rang the bell before quickly hiding around the corner again, but no one came to the door. There was clearly no one at home and apparently hardly anyone in the neighborhood either.

This was a very quiet area and you could tell. Everything seemed to be in perfect condition, allowing him to secretly enter the house. And so Marty took a deep breath and entered the house through the window.

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It was a disaster

The house was absolute chaos. It was now quite obvious that Eric and Giovanni didn’t give a damn about the house and the state they left it in.

Which only painted an even clearer picture of what kind of people the boys really were. Marty began to carefully look around the house, making sure he left no traces that would indicate he had been there. The problem, however, was that he didn’t even know exactly what he was looking for.

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He had to find evidence

He had an idea what the boys had done, but now he had an idea how they had done it. He hoped he could find evidence of what she had done somewhere in the house, but Marty knew it probably wouldn’t be easy.

If they were smart enough, they would have got rid of everything as soon as the deed was done. But Marty didn’t think they were particularly smart, so he figured they’d still have a chance. And he was absolutely right about that.

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Opening the safe

After searching the mess for about an hour, Officer Marty suddenly came across the safe hidden in one of the bedrooms. He had to press a 4-digit code and as a coincidence he tried 0000.

And he was lucky. The safe was actually opened. Marty couldn’t even say he was really surprised. But what surprised him was what he found in the safe. It was exactly what he was looking for.

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Discover the truth

Marty couldn’t believe that neither Eric nor Giovanni would think of throwing the evidence away. Maybe it was because of their hubris that they were never found out, or maybe they were just plain stupid.

However, Marty now had the evidence he was looking for to confront the boys. He knew he couldn’t take it with him as it would then be obtained illegally, but because it was in the safe he could easily leave it.

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Inform George

Marty changed the safe’s code and then locked it again. He then quickly left the house and returned to his police station. He had to set everything up quickly.

It was too late to go to George and have him call the boys, but he knew they would be there the next morning and Marty promised George he would be there before they did to share his findings. He was willing to “teach them a lesson.”

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Plan everything

Marty spends that evening closing his case against the boys. He obtained search warrants for the house, which he only had to present, and he informed the hospital of his plans.

He made sure there were backups to arrest the boys and he even made sure there was a makeshift holding cell in case he brings Eric and Giovanni in tomorrow. Now all he had to do was get George to play along.

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Wake up George

Marty was in the hospital before first light the next day. He had to make sure he had some time to talk to George before the boys came over. George had to know what was going to happen, otherwise the shock of the situation might be too much for him. And so Marty had George gently woken up by a nurse so they could talk. Fortunately, the old man was actually doing very well at the moment.

George seemed delighted that Marty was going to teach his sons a lesson. But the officer, unwilling to keep the old man in the dark about his true intentions, told George everything that had happened. About his suspicions about the boys after their conversation, the fact that they lied about being successful businessmen and what he found in their Airbnb safe.

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The truth hurt

Marty could tell George didn’t want to believe him at first, but with all the evidence in front of him, the old man didn’t have much of a choice. His whole world started collapsing before his eyes.

His boys were never perfect, but they were all he really had left in his world. He couldn’t believe they were willing to do this to him. But there wasn’t much else to fully manage his feelings, and George was informed he had two visitors.

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The boys came in

Eric and Giovanni entered the room. It was clear that they hadn’t slept much last night. You probably partied a little too long. But they seemed to wake up immediately when they saw that an officer was waiting for them in their father’s room.

It was quiet for a few seconds before suddenly Eric ran away! Marty quickly told the terrified Giovanni to stay where he was while he radioed backup to wait for Eric outside the hospital.

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And while Marty handcuffed Giovanni, Eric was quickly arrested outside. Marty urged Giovanni to tell him the truth and it wasn’t long before he broke down.

He accused Eric of being the mastermind behind the plan but admitted he had a hand in making it happen. And when Marty promised to take a confession into account when sentencing the boys, Gio started squeaking like a pig.

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The stroke wasn’t an accident

He admitted the mysterious stroke George suffered was no accident. They had brought it about by secretly putting a certain drug in his drink. And that’s exactly what Marty found in her Airbnb safe.

They had hoped that if their father hadn’t been able to leave the house in time, they would finally get the inheritance they so desperately needed.

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They were both in debt

Both Eric and Giovanni had racked up huge debts to the wrong people and needed big bucks fast. That seemed like the only option for them, but now the only option they faced was a very long prison sentence.

George just sat there and listened to his youngest son’s horrifying confession. After everything he had given them, they now wanted him dead. He just couldn’t understand what he had done wrong.

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Nobody left for George

And faced with the prospect of both his sons going to jail, George faced the prospect of having no one else in his life. And who knows what the sadness of such a situation would mean for a man his age?

But luckily he didn’t have to find out, because this case boded something good for George. It put him back in touch with someone he never thought would speak to him again.

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A woman made contact

The case of the two boys who tried to poison their father made headlines around the world. The process became very widespread and eventually a young woman read about it and recognized the names of the people involved.

And without telling anyone, she traveled to her old hometown and appeared in one of the courtrooms, where she would finally see George again. The woman we are talking about is George, his old lost daughter!

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His long lost daughter!

She had lived a completely isolated life after leaving the state all those years ago. At the time, she actually felt she had to go because her brothers treated her so horribly.

But when they finally got to jail, she saw it as the perfect moment to reconnect with her dad! So George had lost his two sons, but fortunately he had won his daughter back.