Man Tired Of Children On His Lawn Decides To Take Matters Into His Own Hands


Get off my lawn!

The Man With a Plan: By 2018, the sounds of children laughing, playing, and occasionally shrieking had become the bane of Bryan Tucker’s existence in Sandston, Virginia. Every morning was the same—kids carelessly frolicking on his meticulously manicured lawn, leaving trash in their wake.

With every passing day, Bryan began feeling less like a peaceful homeowner and more like an irate caricature straight out of a comic strip, constantly admonishing neighborhood children to show respect for his property.


Trashing his lawn

Proximity to Pandemonium: The root of Bryan’s escalating aggravation was his home’s unfortunate proximity to a local bus stop. Here, every day, groups of spirited children would congregate, awaiting their ride to the nearby elementary school.

While waiting, they saw Bryan’s yard as a playground, seemingly oblivious to the disturbances they caused. The raucous sounds of their play and the litter they left behind became daily irritants for Bryan.


No respect

Seeking Redress: “They show no respect for other people’s property,” Bryan lamented. His pleas for help led him to the county officials, hoping they would intervene and perhaps move the bus stop to a less disruptive location.

To his dismay, the county’s response was far from helpful. “They shifted the responsibility onto me,” Bryan recalled bitterly, “claiming that if any child were to get injured on my property, the onus would be on me.”


Nothing worked

Desperate Measures: With no support from the authorities, Bryan felt cornered and took matters into his own hands. He began with what he believed were reasonable deterrents.

Sturdy ‘No Trespassing’ signs were prominently displayed, surveillance cameras were strategically positioned to monitor his property, and he even personally appealed to both the children and their parents. But his pleas and warnings seemed to fall on deaf ears.


Hatching a plan

A Bold Move: As summer waned and the new school year beckoned, Bryan’s anxiety levels surged. The prospect of children running amok on his lawn and the potential legal ramifications weighed heavily on him.

Determined to find a solution once and for all, Bryan concocted a plan that he believed would effectively deter the young trespassers.


Brand new fence

A Shocking Revelation: On the inaugural day of the school year, as parents escorted their eager children to the bus stop, a new structure in Bryan’s yard caught their attention.

A robust, sleek fence now encircled his property, marking a clear boundary. Curious and perhaps a bit dubious, a parent reached out to touch this new barrier.


Shocking developments

An Unexpected Jolt: The sensation was immediate and unmistakable. As soon as the parent’s fingers grazed the sleek surface of the fence, a sharp shock rippled through his hand. He recoiled instantly, shaking his hand vigorously, trying to dispel the lingering tingle. With widened eyes and a newfound caution, he assessed the barrier before him.

It was now abundantly clear that Bryan’s fence was not just any ordinary structure, but an electric one designed to deter with an electrifying touch. The realization was as shocking as the fence itself, and soon enough, word began to spread among the gathering parents and children.


A lot of angry parents

An Alarming Discovery: Not far from the bus stop, another family was just beginning their day. As the young daughter stepped out of her home, the gleaming fence immediately caught her attention. She promptly alerted her family, “He’s actually put up a fence!” The news didn’t stop there. Another neighbor, having heard whispers about the fence’s electrifying feature, voiced his shock aloud: “Wait, it’s electric?”

His disbelief turned to concern as he contemplated the potential dangers. “This is not going to end well. If one of the kids gets hurt by that fence, there’s going to be a storm of furious parents converging on Bryan’s doorstep.”


No warning sign

A Lack of Warning: While the community’s outrage was multifaceted, a common grievance emerged: the lack of warning signs. Wayne Milby, a concerned parent, voiced this sentiment,

“It’s not just the fence—it’s the absence of any signs warning our kids about the dangers that really bothers me.” The stage was set for a confrontation between Bryan and the increasingly incensed parent community.



Clarifying His Actions: While Bryan’s decision had stirred a wave of disapproval, he was quick to defend his choice. Upon being approached by news reporters, he led them to a rather inconspicuous sign, situated approximately 15 yards away from the main bus stop area.

The sign, labeled “Solar Intellishock,” was proudly displayed on the battery that gave life to the electric fence. Curiously, the imagery on the sign depicted cattle, possibly indicating its typical use in farm settings, which raised even more eyebrows among the community members.


Bad communication

Bridging the Communication Gap: Several parents, although not entirely against the idea of a boundary, felt the electric shock was a bit extreme. “It’s not about not understanding his concerns,” shared one thoughtful neighbor, “it’s more about him perhaps not fully grasping the depth of our worries.”

There was an underlying feeling that the barrier, though in place to protect Bryan’s property, was perhaps also a silent retort to the children and their guardians.


A friendly suggestion

Questioning the Timing: The installation of the fence on the very first day of school did not sit well with many. One exasperated parent remarked, “Of all the days, he chooses the first day of school?

This feels less like a protective step and more like a pointed message.” The timing indeed seemed to amplify the fence’s perceived intent, making it seem more vindictive than protective.


Calling in the big guns

Seeking Simpler Solutions: Wayne, a concerned neighbor, believed that the situation could have been managed without resorting to such drastic measures. “A standard fence, without the electric element,” he commented, “could have served the purpose.”

But as the situation escalated and tempers flared, some residents believed it was time for official intervention. Consequently, by the next morning, the local police received a notification about the contentious fence.


Get out the measuring tape

Official Investigation: In light of the community’s concerns, Henrico County’s Public Works Director, Steve Yob, personally visited Bryan’s residence. His objective was twofold:

to assess the nature of the fence and to ensure its positioning complied with local regulations. Although Bryan’s intent to protect his property was acknowledged, the law had its own stipulations.


Steve’s findings

The Verdict: After careful evaluation, Steve came forward with the county’s stance. He revealed, “Engineers have assessed the area and found that the fence’s placement extends into the county’s right-of-way.”

This significant detail meant that Bryan had inadvertently overstepped his boundaries.


Not going to give in

Resolving the Issue: Realizing his oversight, Bryan, without much resistance, agreed to dismantle the fence. Steve noted Bryan’s cooperative nature, stating, “He recognized his error and was willing to rectify it.”

However, the story didn’t end there, as Bryan had more to say about the entire episode.


An important conversation

Unforeseen Repercussions: When Bryan installed that electric fence, his primary intention was to safeguard his property. However, the tidal wave of reactions it set off was something he hadn’t anticipated. Conversations filled the air, with everyone from close neighbors to distant acquaintances sharing their opinions about the controversial fence. While many debated its necessity, others were concerned about the safety and legality of such a measure. Yet, amidst the sea of feedback, Bryan found solace in an unexpected benefit.

To him, the situation had managed to initiate a dialogue—something that had been lacking in the community for a while. He believed that the discussions, heated debates, and communal involvement were essential steps towards understanding and resolving local concerns, even if it meant starting with his controversial fence.


Good or bad publicity?

Community Buzz: News about Bryan’s electric fence seemed to sprout wings, spreading swiftly across various channels. Within a short span, the fence became the focal point of numerous discussions, both online and offline. Bryan, watching the unfolding events, couldn’t help but comment on its wide-reaching impact, “From Facebook posts to informal chats at the local coffee shop, it seems my fence has become the talk of the town.”

He noted with a mix of surprise and affirmation how the incident had transcended the mere boundaries of his yard. More than just a fence, it had morphed into a symbol, highlighting the challenges of balancing personal rights with community sensibilities. As the narrative grew, it cast a spotlight on the essential themes of mutual respect, understanding, and the importance of dialogue in community living. The fence, in its electrifying presence, had inadvertently sown the seeds for deeper community introspection and engagement.


What now?

What Lies Ahead: While it remained uncertain whether Bryan intended to relocate his fence or remove it entirely, parents felt there were lessons to be learned.

Many hoped Bryan would emulate the approach of the previous homeowner—who, instead of creating barriers, had provided a simple trash can to manage the kids’ littering issue.


Safety first!

A Breather for Bryan: Finally, after all the commotion, it looked like Bryan could take a moment to breathe. Gone were the days of standing guard, raising his voice to chase children away from his pristine lawn. Now that his story had circulated, the community was undoubtedly more aware of his concerns, and the kids had an extra reason to think twice before setting foot on his property.

But beyond the electric fence saga, there was a silver lining – Bryan could now cherish the peaceful mornings without the unexpected jolts, at least within the perimeters of his own residence.


A few bad eggs…

The Nightmare Next Door: While Bryan’s ordeal was primarily about property lines and childhood play, elsewhere, another homeowner named Emily was navigating a treacherous terrain of neighborhood dynamics. Anyone would expect to find peace, especially after investing in a dream home.

But for Emily, her idyllic setting soon transformed into a suburban battlefield. Her excitement and hard work seemed to quickly dissolve into regret as she grappled with challenges that no new homeowner should have to face.


Saving up

A Dream Deferred: Emily and her partner had nurtured a dream, a vision that took them years to bring to life. As per the insights shared by DoItHouses, they had imagined a life in Hawaii, the very epitome of paradise. However, the high costs associated with such a relocation meant they had to plan meticulously, saving diligently, and sacrificing instant gratifications.

It wasn’t a decision they made lightly. Their patience, persistence, and financial prudence were all driven by the hope of one day living in their Hawaiian haven.


What a house!

A Paradise with a Catch: When they finally purchased their home, it seemed like all their sacrifices had paid off. The property was a marvel – with water views, expansive outdoor spaces, and generous room for guests.

But as they would soon discover, every paradise has its serpent. And for the Swansons, the serpent was closer than they had ever imagined.


New neighbors

Unwelcome Surprises: With the euphoria of moving into a new home, the Swansons didn’t immediately realize that their abode was part of a duplex.

And as they settled in, they became acutely aware of the presence of their immediate neighbor. The proximity, which initially seemed inconsequential, would soon become a source of unexpected tension.


How the problems started

The Calm Before the Storm: In the initial days post their move, Emily and her husband were enveloped in the sheer joy of their new acquisition. They reveled in the tranquility and looked forward to creating a multitude of cherished memories in their dream home.

But a seemingly simple decision on their part would shatter this peace, introducing them to a side of neighborhood life they hadn’t anticipated.


The aging playset

The Playground Predicament: Lying unused and aging in the Swanson’s yard was a playground set. With prior discussions and the consent of the property owner,

Emily and her spouse decided to dismantle it, seeing it as a safety concern and an eyesore. They believed they were making an informed and responsible decision.


Meeting Tanya

Enter Tanya: Just as the playground set came down, the Swansons’ neighbor, Tanya, made her dramatic entrance. Described by DoItHouses as someone with a flair for flamboyant animal prints and a penchant for outspoken t-shirts, she was not one to be ignored.

And it soon became clear that she had a personality as bold and confrontational as her wardrobe.


The first confrontation

A Fiery Introduction: Emily was taken aback when Tanya, fueled with fury, accused her of disposing of the playground that, according to Tanya, was meant for her children.

It was an explosive way to initiate a neighborly relationship. Tanya asserted that the Swansons had overstepped their boundaries, even if the playground was on Emily’s side of the property.


Emily’s retort

Emily’s Logical Stand: Armed with the knowledge of her conversation with the duplex owner, Emily tried to reason with Tanya. She pointed out the playground’s placement on her side of the yard and questioned why it wasn’t positioned closer to Tanya’s residence from the start.

While her stance seemed logical and justified, it set the stage for a tense neighborly dynamic that neither had foreseen.


The feud begins

A Rocky Start: The neighborhood dynamics took an unfortunate twist from the get-go for the Swansons. After their initial encounter with Tanya, one might have hoped it was just a simple miscommunication or perhaps Tanya having an off day.

Everyone has them, after all. But this hope quickly faded as events would reveal. This one encounter spiraled into a series of bitter confrontations and arguments, casting a shadow over what should have been a fresh start in a new home for Emily and her family.


A surprise?

Unforeseen Strains: Emily, always one to seek a peaceful resolution, tried her best to extend an olive branch. She even gave Tanya’s children permission to play on her part of the yard, a gesture she hoped would build some bridges.

The Horizon Times cited Emily’s intentions as genuinely cordial. However, her efforts seemed to be in vain, as the subsequent events would indicate that Tanya wasn’t interested in any peace offerings or compromises.


Impromptu party

A Rude Awakening: Emily and her husband’s nights were typically characterized by tranquility and rest. But one night, an unexpected commotion shattered their peace.

The thumping of music and chatter led them to discover that Tanya had thrown a massive party, which not only occupied her side of the yard but had overflowed into the Swansons’. The boundaries seemed to have been disregarded entirely.


Understandable anger

Deepening Disrespect: Emily’s feelings of unease and agitation were amplified when she comprehended the extent of Tanya’s brazen encroachments. The audacity displayed by Tanya seemed boundless and inconceivable. Emily and her spouse, who believed in boundaries and mutual respect, were made to feel like outsiders on their property, their sacred space.

The unwarranted audacity of barring them from participating in the festivities in their own yard was a glaring testament to Tanya’s disregard for neighborly courtesies. This unapologetic display of insolence was enough to shake the patience of even the most composed individual.


“Friends and family only”

The Snub: As if the ongoing strains weren’t enough, Emily encountered yet another blow. She discovered that she and her husband were unwelcome at the ongoing party in their own yard. Tanya had set distinct and exclusive entry criteria, specifying ‘friends and family only.’

This exclusion of the Swansons from their yard’s event was not only an overt declaration of territorial dominance but also a pointed snub that harkened back to their past disagreements.


Escaping to the lounge

Seeking Solitude Amidst Chaos: With the cacophony from the party proving too overwhelming, the Swansons hoped to find some tranquillity within their home’s walls. They sought refuge in their lounge, anticipating a break from the external clamor.

Yet, the universe had different plans. Their brief moment of serenity was rudely interrupted by an unwelcome visitor from the ongoing party, a clearly intoxicated individual who seemed unaware of personal boundaries.


An unwelcome visitor

Unwarranted Authority: The intrusion itself was startling, but what truly astounded Emily was the audacity of the trespasser. Drunkenly, the intruder claimed that he had been granted the right to use any bathroom in the house by Tanya.

Citing the report from DoItHouses, it became clear that he believed Tanya held authority over the entire duplex, implying a sense of ownership. This flagrant lie was a severe violation of privacy and an utter disregard for personal boundaries, pushing Emily’s forbearance to its very edge.


“Owned the whole property”

The Eye of the Storm: Just when Emily believed the worst of the night’s ordeals had passed, a new tempest emerged in the form of Tanya. Bursting into the Swanson’s sanctuary, Tanya launched into a tirade. She lambasted Emily, accusing her of tarnishing her image before her guests.

The confrontation intensified as Tanya chastised the Swansons for not being more accommodating, implying that their home should have been open for her guests’ convenience.


Escaping to the lounge

Seeking Solitude Amidst Chaos: With the cacophony from the party proving too overwhelming, the Swansons hoped to find some tranquillity within their home’s walls. They sought refuge in their lounge, anticipating a break from the external clamor.

Yet, the universe had different plans. Their brief moment of serenity was rudely interrupted by an unwelcome visitor from the ongoing party, a clearly intoxicated individual who seemed unaware of personal boundaries.


An unwelcome visitor

Unwarranted Authority: The intrusion itself was startling, but what truly astounded Emily was the audacity of the trespasser. Drunkenly, the intruder claimed that he had been granted the right to use any bathroom in the house by Tanya.

Citing the report from DoItHouses, it became clear that he believed Tanya held authority over the entire duplex, implying a sense of ownership. This flagrant lie was a severe violation of privacy and an utter disregard for personal boundaries, pushing Emily’s forbearance to its very edge.


“Owned the whole property”

The Eye of the Storm: Just when Emily believed the worst of the night’s ordeals had passed, a new tempest emerged in the form of Tanya. Bursting into the Swanson’s sanctuary, Tanya launched into a tirade. She lambasted Emily, accusing her of tarnishing her image before her guests.

The confrontation intensified as Tanya chastised the Swansons for not being more accommodating, implying that their home should have been open for her guests’ convenience.


“How dare you”

Shaken and Stunned: Tanya’s barrage of baseless accusations left Emily and her husband grappling with their emotions. They found themselves in a whirlwind of disbelief, trying to comprehend the surreal nature of the events unfolding around them.

The audacity of Tanya’s allegations felt like an inversion of reality, where everything they knew to be right was portrayed as wrong. Navigating this skewed perspective, the couple struggled to find their footing amidst the chaotic situation.


How did they respond?

A Deliberate Pause: Recognizing the potential pitfalls of impulsive actions, Emily and her husband made a conscious decision to take a breather. They decided not to engage in a heated back-and-forth with Tanya, choosing instead to internalize the events of the turbulent night and devise a thoughtful response.

They were determined to approach the situation with a blend of diplomacy and firmness, with the ultimate goal of resolving the escalating tension with their neighbor.


Putting the plan in motion

The Beginning of the Boundaries: The Swansons’ journey to establishing boundaries began with a simple yet substantial home improvement plan. They aimed to make their space more functional and enjoyable with a new kitchen and fire pit. Curious about the ongoing changes, Tanya inquired about the construction, prompting Emily to offer a brief explanation.

But Emily wasn’t entirely transparent about all the modifications. With Tanya mulling over hosting another event outdoors, she was in for a surprise, as the Swansons had additional plans up their sleeves.


The fence

The Great Divide: Tanya’s discovery was not a pleasant one. The Swansons, looking for a semblance of privacy and boundary, decided to erect a fence. This fence would not only encircle the newly built kitchen and fire pit but also clearly demarcate the Swansons’ yard from Tanya’s.

For Tanya, this was an affront; she held the belief that the yard should remain a communal space for both halves of the duplex. Her indignation was palpable.



The Fence Fallout: To Emily and her spouse, the fence was a symbol of victory and reclaiming their space. But far from being a resolution, the fence seemed to fan the flames of animosity even further.

The delineation it provided only served to deepen the rift between the two families. As tensions soared, a new player entered the scene, ready to stake his claim in this ongoing turf war.


Say hello to Billy

Billy’s Blatant Belligerence: Billy, Tanya’s romantic partner during this tumultuous period, quickly established himself as another thorn in the Swansons’ side.

Displaying a reckless disregard for neighborly etiquette, he littered the Swansons’ yard with cigarette butts and discarded beverage cans, catapulting them over the recently erected fence.


The problems deepened…

Marina Misdemeanors: The tension didn’t stop at land; it spilled over to the waterfront. The Swansons, proud owners of a sizable 150-foot pier, had generously offered space for fellow boat-owners.

This arrangement, while proving financially beneficial for Emily and her husband, didn’t sit well with Tanya and Billy, especially given their meager 15-foot pier, inadequate even for Billy’s boat.


Pier drama

Underhanded Tactics at Sea: Feeling stifled by their limited pier space and perhaps envious of the Swansons’ generosity, Billy and Tanya plotted a deceitful maneuver.

They cunningly impersonated the Swansons, turning away a boat renter and quickly claiming the vacant slot for their vessel. Emily stumbled upon this duplicity through a frustrated online post from the evicted renter.


A bold move

An Escalation of Hostilities: As if the ongoing skirmishes weren’t enough, the feud took an even darker turn. Emily’s patience was stretched thin and, with every escalating incident, she felt the urgent need for intervention.

Yet, even the police’s presence failed to deter the audacious Tanya and Billy, who confidently justified their actions during a tense confrontation on the pier.


Calling the cops

Endless Antagonism: The neighborhood conflicts were far from over. Tanya’s relentless provocations persisted, amplified now with her children joining the fray.

Reports suggested that these young instigators aimed fireworks at vessels docked at the Swansons’ pier. With every passing incident, Emily grappled with despair, wondering when this relentless animosity would cease.


A feud with no end?

A Feud for the Ages: The conflicts didn’t fizzle out over a few months; they stretched on for years. The authorities, despite their frequent interventions and genuine empathy for Emily’s plight, seemed helpless in curbing Tanya’s audacious behavior.

It felt as if the Swansons were trapped in a relentless cycle of disputes, with no end in sight.


The turning point

A Game-Changing Conversation: Amid the seemingly endless hostilities, a breakthrough finally emerged. An unexpected conversation held the potential to rewrite the dynamics of the Swansons’ prolonged neighborhood dispute.

This unforeseen dialogue promised a new chapter in their strained relationship with Tanya, offering a glimmer of hope in an otherwise bleak situation.


An offer they couldn’t refuse

A Turn of Fate: Just as Emily and her husband were on the brink of abandoning their cherished Hawaiian haven, destiny knocked on their door. The building’s owner, yearning to detach himself from the property realm, unveiled an offer they hadn’t expected.

He presented the opportunity to purchase Tanya’s half of the duplex. For the Swansons, it was an offer too tempting to resist. After all, it wasn’t just about gaining more space—it was a potential solution to their ongoing ordeal.


The big day

Shifting Sands of Power: The dynamics between the Swansons and Tanya underwent a seismic shift. From mere neighbors enduring incessant quarrels, the Swansons had ascended to a position of authority—they were now Tanya’s landlords.

After sealing the deal, armed with legal papers and a newfound confidence, Emily confronted Tanya. The moment was undeniably intense. One could only speculate the astonishment and disbelief on Tanya’s face upon realizing the changed circumstances.


They couldn’t stay

A Peaceful Eviction: Despite their tumultuous past, Emily and her husband showcased remarkable restraint and magnanimity. They didn’t let their emotions cloud their judgment or their actions.

Instead of exploiting their newfound power by raising the rent exorbitantly, they respectfully informed Tanya and Billy of the need to seek alternative accommodation. It was a calm and rational decision that epitomized the couple’s mature approach to the entire situation.


An interesting twist

An Unexpected Ally: As the Swansons navigated the new dynamics, another surprise awaited them. A fresh face emerged from Tanya’s abode—her mother.

The elderly woman approached the Swansons, expressing her disappointment with her daughter’s behavior. She candidly admitted to Emily, “I didn’t raise my daughter to live like this!” That statement hinted at a potential ally in an unexpected place.


Emily’s new friend

Bridging the Divide: In a heartwarming twist, Emily found a friend in Tanya’s mother. The feud, which had raged on relentlessly, began to subside as these two women bonded.

Their weekly get-togethers, marked by shared laughter, baking escapades, and cheerful drinks, became a beacon of hope. It was a testament to the adage that friendship can bloom in the unlikeliest of circumstances.


Baking night

An Unforeseen Friendship: As Emily and Tanya’s mother deepened their connection, one could only wonder how Tanya felt about this budding camaraderie. Was she envious, perplexed, or indifferent?

The walls of the duplex, which had witnessed countless confrontations, were now resonating with the sounds of shared joy and understanding.


Tanya and Billy’s departure

The Inevitable Goodbye: As the days turned to weeks, it became clear that the time had come for Tanya and Billy to part ways with the duplex. The Swansons, having endured numerous confrontations, awaited this moment with a mix of relief and apprehension. Tanya, ever the fiery spirit, was not one to simply fade into the background.

While most would choose a subdued departure, she sought to leave a lasting impression, ensuring her voice would be heard one final time. Her exit, thus, became a significant event, marking the closing of a chapter rife with tension and disagreements.


A unique goodbye

A Lasting Impression: In true Tanya fashion, her departure was punctuated with a dramatic flourish. Choosing the medium of the written word, she penned a note to the Swansons—a testament to her feelings and thoughts. The design of the note was unmistakably Tanya, embodying her love for bold and unique fashion choices.

The contents, while biting and sharp, were an unfiltered window into her state of mind. Every word, every phrase, resonated with her feelings, laying bare her perspective. For Emily and her husband, this note was the culmination of their tumultuous journey with Tanya, a symbolic reminder of the roller coaster they had endured.


What happened next?

Embracing Peace: Once the storm named Tanya had moved on, a profound calm enveloped the Swansons’ residence. The silence, a stark contrast to the previous cacophony, felt therapeutic. Every morning, as the sun rose, casting its golden hue on their Hawaiian home, the Swansons experienced a newfound appreciation for the peace they had so longed for.

The absence of confrontations, arguments, and unexpected disruptions allowed them to truly immerse themselves in the beauty of their surroundings. Yet, as they settled into this tranquil rhythm, a nagging thought persisted: what would they do with the empty space next door? The answer to that question would shape the next phase of their journey.


A happy ending

A Heartwarming Decision: Emily, ever the kind-hearted soul, extended an invitation that warmed many hearts. She invited her parents to reside in the newly available space.

This move not only strengthened family ties but also ensured that the Swansons would enjoy harmonious days ahead, surrounded by love and devoid of any neighborly squabbles.
