20 Doomed Explorers Who Made History For All The Wrong Reasons


1. Salomon August Andrée

Picture this: Salomon August Andrée, with a twinkle in his eye and boundless enthusiasm, believes he’s hit on a groundbreaking exploration idea. While most considered it wildly unconventional, Andrée was convinced that his daring plan to cross the vast expanse of the Arctic using nothing but a hot-air balloon would cement his place in the annals of history. His belief was deeply rooted in a desire not only to achieve personal glory but to elevate his nation’s status in the international exploration community.

Believe it or not, Salomon August Andrée managed to secure the backing of the Swedish King for his audacious plan. Andrée had a way of convincing people; his infectious passion and thorough planning had many believing in the feasibility of this Arctic journey by balloon. His credentials as an accomplished balloonist and the concept of navigating using the continuous glow of the midnight Sun seemed, to many, to guarantee success. Yet, in a twist of fate hinting at the challenges ahead, Andrée’s initial balloon launch failed spectacularly.