This Is What Would Happen To The World If Humans Disappeared


1. Wildlife would reclaim previously human-dominated areas

Initially, one of the most profound transformations that would materialize rapidly post-humanity’s disappearance would be the complete resurgence of wildlife. The once teeming urban landscapes and spaces dominated by human activity would undergo a natural reclamation. Animals, both wild and previously domesticated, alongside an explosion of plant life, would converge to dominate these spaces. Alan Weisman, the renowned author of “The World Without Us,” provided insights on this phenomenon in a discussion with Live Science, painting a vivid picture of a world reverting to its wild origins.

Weisman emphasized the cascading effects of humanity’s absence on insects, leading to flourishing ecosystems. He asserted, “With insects thriving, plants would prosper, followed by an increase in bird populations.” This chain reaction would revitalize habitats, prompting nature to reclaim our erstwhile living spaces.