Woman Sues Airline For Leaving Without Her – She Turns Pale After Discovering What Happened


Valerie Was Always on Time

Valerie is someone who never runs late, it’s like her superpower. She’s the person who arrives before the meeting starts, the one who’s already there at the café waiting with a warm smile when you arrive. It’s a trait she wears like a badge of honor, always being punctual, always ready. It’s not just about being on time for her; it’s a philosophy, a way of showing respect for others’ time as much as her own.

Valerie had always prided herself on being punctual, especially when it came to flights. That day was no exception, as she woke up early, filled with the anticipation of the journey ahead. Her routine was a well-oiled machine, aimed at avoiding any last-minute rush, ensuring she was among the first to check in and secure her passage.