The Rise of Analytics in NFL Decision-Making: A Game-Changing Approach


In recent years, the NFL has experienced a revolution in football analytics. Teams are increasingly using AI, data analytics, and computer vision to evaluate players, make decisions about plays, personnel, and schemes, and gain an edge over other teams. This reliance on advanced technologies is part of a growing trend in human resources, moving from human to machine-based assessment.

Replicating Baseball’s Quantitative Methods

Football teams are seeking to replicate baseball’s well-known use of quantitative methods to evaluate players. Techniques for studying player positioning and movements are being used to judge how well they move and what their injury risk might be. Some organizations are deploying computer vision to study player movements in an effort to improve overall performance. AI and data analytics are also being used to determine how best to engage fans, using data-based features such as Next Gen Stats.

Younger, Smarter GMs and Coaches Driving the Trend

The rise of younger, smarter GMs and coaches is contributing to the trend of increased reliance on analytics in the NFL. The spread of player-tracking data, which is being shared league-wide for the first time, is a major factor. Teams are examining new details to gain an edge, such as game speed and closing speed. Analytics can help simplify play-calling and make decisions about going for it on fourth down.

Analytics Departments: Eagles and Patriots Lead the Way

The Eagles and Patriots have had analytics departments for years, while other teams are playing catch-up. The smartest teams are getting significantly smarter, while the dumbest teams risk falling behind. Data and statistics play a huge role in college and professional sports broadcasting. Analytics allow teams and organizations to track performance, make predictions, and make smarter decisions on the field.

Impact on Fans and Sports Betting

Analytics have made their way into the way fans consume sports, providing play-by-play explanations, discussing predictions, and powering fantasy league decisions. Sports analytics is a recent field that uses data to measure areas like athletic performance and business health to optimize the processes and success of a sports organization as a whole. On-field data metrics help teams decide how to improve in-game strategies, nutrition plans, and other methods for raising their athletes’ level of performance. Off the field, organizations can leverage data to monitor ticket sales, craft marketing campaigns, and reduce operational costs. Sports betting analytics groups rely on data to determine the odds of certain game results happening.