Harry and Meghan’s Story – From Their Romantic Beginning to Their Complicated Present


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<h2>The Fab Four splits up (November 2018)</h2>
The couples Prince Harry and Meghan and Prince William and Kate were fondly called the “Fab Four” by the media. But in November 2018. Prince Harry and Meghan split from their joint court with Prince William and Kate at the Kensington Palace office.

<img class=”alignnone size-full wp-image-121693″ src=”https://static.trendscatchers.io/uploads/2023/05/uk-hero-image.fill_.size_1248x702.v1623369345.jpg” alt=”” width=”1248″ height=”702″ />

Source: Mashable

It was believed that Meghan’s arrival had changed the dynamics of how Prince Harry, Prince William, and Kate worked. But the move was considered practical since Prince Harry and Meghan had strong views and these views were not always aligned with the other couple.