Harry and Meghan’s Story – From Their Romantic Beginning to Their Complicated Present


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<h2>Archie’s baptism (July 2019)</h2>
The royal family gathered at Windsor Castle for Archie’s christening. The baptism was a private event held in the Queen’s private chapel. The guest list was very small with only about less than 30 people in attendance.

<img class=”alignnone size-full wp-image-121697″ src=”https://static.trendscatchers.io/uploads/2023/05/uk-archie-christening-photo-smaller-1562426562.jpg” alt=”” width=”980″ height=”980″ />

Source: Town &amp; Country

The ceremony was short, lasting 20 minutes. Then, the christening portraits where the attending royal family posed were taken. It is noted that the Queen was not present as she already had another engagement scheduled for that date.