Harry and Meghan’s Story – From Their Romantic Beginning to Their Complicated Present


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<h2>Their Halloween night out (October 2016)</h2>
After getting a heads up that news of their relationship was about to break, Prince Harry was visiting Meghan in her Soho house for Halloween. The two decided to have one last fun night out in town before the whole world knew that they were a couple.

<img class=”alignnone size-full wp-image-121678″ src=”https://static.trendscatchers.io/uploads/2023/05/uk-e1a58bf5e6d8ca8d64255501e689ad79.png” alt=”” width=”960″ height=”540″ />

Source: Yahoo

The couple and some of their friends wore Halloween costumes and enjoyed the remaining hours of their privacy. Harry and Meghan knew that once the news was out, they would be hounded by the press and their dating life won’t be the same anymore.