Harry and Meghan’s Story – From Their Romantic Beginning to Their Complicated Present


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<h2>Seeing the Northern Lights (January 2017)</h2>
Prince Harry and Meghan were rumored to spend the New Year together to welcome 2017. The couple then took off to Norway to see the Northern Lights. During this time, it was their first vacation trip together known to the public.

<img class=”alignnone size-full wp-image-121682″ src=”https://static.trendscatchers.io/uploads/2023/05/uk-stars-g3d07422ab_640.jpg” alt=”” width=”640″ height=”427″ />

Source: Pixabay

Prince Harry made arrangements to see to it that their trip was as private as possible. A source shared that aside from enjoying the two also went whale watching and enjoyed watching the sunsets in the snow.