The Science Behind NFL Training: Innovations in Performance and Injury Prevention


As the NFL continues to evolve, so does the science behind training and injury prevention. With a focus on interdisciplinarity and collaboration, researchers are working to better understand the multifaceted nature of sport injury aetiology and develop innovative solutions to improve player performance and safety.

Interdisciplinarity in Sport Injury Research

Interdisciplinarity has been a crucial aspect of sport injury research since the 1990s. It involves the collaboration of researchers specializing in different scientific disciplines and methodological approaches, as well as the application of both qualitative and quantitative methods. This approach allows for a more comprehensive understanding of sport injury aetiology and the various factors that influence it, ultimately leading to more effective injury prevention strategies.

Identifying Risk Patterns and the Complex Nature of Sport Injury Aetiology

Traditional monodisciplinary approaches to sport injury research have limitations in accounting for the complex nature of sport injury aetiology. Scholars now suggest a shift in focus from identifying individual risk factors to recognizing risk patterns and understanding the intricate relationships between various factors. This approach allows for a more in-depth analysis of injury aetiology in youth athletes and can lead to more targeted and effective injury prevention strategies.

NFL Contact Detection Challenge

In an effort to further understand and prevent injuries, the NFL has announced the NFL Contact Detection Challenge in collaboration with Amazon Web Services (AWS). This challenge invites experts to design new ways to measure and analyze the timing, duration, and frequency of player contact during NFL games using machine learning and computer vision. The challenge will be open for three months, starting in March 2023, with the top finishers receiving a total of $100,000 in prize money.

Improving the Game Through Science and Innovation

By understanding which game situations have elevated amounts of contact, the NFL can make informed decisions about potential rule changes to improve player safety. The integration of interdisciplinary research and innovative approaches like the NFL Contact Detection Challenge demonstrates the league’s commitment to advancing the science behind NFL training and injury prevention, ultimately leading to a safer and more competitive game for players and fans alike.