Your eye color might have an impact on your personality, this is often overlooked


“Eyes are the windows to the soul.” You’ve probably heard this famous saying, haven’t you? This got us thinking – is it really true? Many researchers have already addressed this question and the results are astounding: There does seem to be a connection between personality traits and eye color.

Lots of research

There have been many studies related to eye color. One of the better known occurred in 2007 at Orebro University in Sweden. 430 people were examined more closely.

And what exactly was examined? Analysts noted the eye color, the different shades, and tried to correlate it with the personality of their subjects. What did this research find?

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Fascinating connection

The research team concluded that there was definitely a connection, mostly to do with genetics. It turns out that the strands of DNA that determine eye color are closely related to

Development of the frontal lobe of the brain. And this part of the brain is in turn responsible for developing the person’s character. So there really is a fascinating connection to be made in this area.

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Since then, other researchers have also taken a closer look at this topic. Again and again new theories have been put forward. After hearing them, you too will pay more attention to eye color!

The majority of people have brown eyes, or dark eyes – a whopping 70%, according to the South West London website. There are apparently six categories with different hues reflected in character. So let’s take a closer look at them.

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Brown and dark

So let’s start with the eye color that most people have – brown. Did you know that according to the American Academy of Ophthalmology, no shade predates dark brown? Apparently the shade has been around for a long time.

The “Journal Current Psychology” took a closer look at the color and found that people with this eye color are particularly sensitive. In addition, this eye color is associated with being of a relaxed nature.

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“Born Leaders”

This is also related to the fact that being a person with brown eyes makes you a “born leader”. This is readily accepted by their friends, largely because of the large amount of empathy shown towards them.

You’re probably thinking of all the leaders of different countries now and checking their eye color, aren’t you? Do they fit that description exactly, or maybe it even applies to you yourself? Of course we have further analyses.

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An astrologer named Inbaal Honigman offered an alternative view – she describes herself as an “esoteric color expert”. Her alternate perspective describes the brown color as having a particularly spiritual meaning.

She worked with English contact lens company Lenstore to conduct her own analysis. Honigman goes into more detail in an interview with British newspaper The Daily Express in March 2022.

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“Trustworthy and Reliable”

She said: “Brown is the color of the earth, which is associated with stability and a ‘happy home’. People with this eye color tend to have stable relationships and a settled life.

Others will feel a sense of security looking into brown eyes. It’s a trustworthy person who you can rely on.” However, one opinion does not contradict the other. So the born leader is somehow hiding in Honigman’s testimony as well.

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Green eyes

Green eyes are very rare, which the “International Journal of Indian Psychology” noticed. You have dealt with the topic. At the end of the project, it turned out that people with green eyes are perceived as particularly attractive.

You can get really jealous about that. Can you think of a saying – green with envy? Despite this statement, there are of course other characteristics that can be associated with green eyes.

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Inventive and mischievous

Yes, according to the experts’ analysis, there are other features. People with green eyes seem to have a particularly mischievous side. This also means that they are particularly inventive. This is a particularly valuable trait.

In addition, it is assumed that one remains relatively calm with green eyes. No matter how dramatic the setting, the green eyes stay calm and without any significant dropouts. But that’s still not all.

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Apparently, researchers have found that some individuals find eye color mysterious and are therefore extra cautious. Have you ever noticed that? However, Honigman does not share this view.

She assumes that the mysterious eyes are even attractive. On a spiritual level, the green eyes are “connected to the air”. How do you see these theories? Do you find green eyes more attractive or not?

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Good communication

Speaking to The Daily Express, Honigman said, “People with green eyes are very communicative and often intellectual. When you see green eyes, we’re immediately drawn to long conversations, or a night out.” Lenstore also made a comment and recommended buying green contact lenses.

Specialists from the company told the newspaper: “Green contact lenses also help on a first date, as the partner is immediately interested.” This is a trick worth remembering. We would like to know if this trick really works.

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Grey eyes

So what is there to say about gray eyes? It is definitely the most unusual color of all. Spotting someone with gray eyes is like finding a needle in a haystack. Despite the rarity, there is a connection.

The gray iris is a variation of blue eyes. The gray color is related to additional melanin, which turns the blue into a shade of gray. So what personality traits are related?

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A good balance

According to The South West Londonder, people with gray eyes are considered the center of attention in social or public gatherings. “This is due to the balance and also the wide range of their emotions,” explains the website.

In terms of emotions, one can add that people with gray eyes have good self-control. They are able to concentrate extremely long and well and they are ambitious, which includes a good work ethic.

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Blue eyes

First of all, the question arises – where do blue eyes come from anyway? Denmark’s Copenhagen University determined that it was a genetic mutation in Europe. According to the Daily Express, this happened about 10,000 years ago.

The brown melanin production in the iris failed and the blue came to light. However, the Danish University delved even deeper into the blue eye color and devoted itself to the perception of blue-eyed people.

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Negative perception

The research found that blue eyes are often associated with arrogance and recklessness, as well as a lack of compassion. But there has to be something positive, right?

Once again, Honigman offers a different analysis of the facts. She said: “Blue eyes awaken the water element. So the color suits the sea, romance and destiny. People with this eye color are emotional and spiritual.”

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Spark a romance

What does Lenstore have to say about the different opinions? The company writes in the English newspaper: “Choosing blue contact lenses can be a great way for someone who wants to rekindle a romance

or just keep a romantic relationship going longer.” Earlier we heard about a project from 2005 in which the different colors were linked to personality traits.

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Children with blue eyes

Yes, children were also part of this research project and something was actually found out. Children with blue eyes remain more reserved when spending time in a group. This behavior could also contribute to the stereotype,

that we discussed earlier – the mysterious eyes. Genetics is fascinating, don’t you think? Next we will deal with amber eyes. Have you ever met someone with amber eyes?

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The fifth color that we present to you is between green and brown and has a golden glow. The website “Icy Tales” has dealt with this color. Apparently, these people know how to assess themselves and they like to focus on the future.

Also, other people feel good around you. They are empathetic and recognize problems before they are even articulated. Those are extremely good qualities, don’t you think? Icy Tales also talks about the positive attitude.

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The last color

The last color that we will discuss in this article is the hazelnut color. To pinpoint this shade with accuracy, one Washington ophthalmologist posts on his website: “Hazel eyes are a mixture of green and brown.”

Individuals with this eye color were identified by a “South West London” reporter and described as being particularly independent. These people have extreme autonomy and have no trouble taking care of themselves – not just in adulthood.

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This is also evident in childhood. Children with hazel eyes quickly learn to fend for themselves, which can be particularly impressive. Outside of autonomy, eye color is associated with impulsive actions.

Of course, this can be good and bad. They don’t lack self-confidence either. The people around them come to them for support and to get some self-confidence. Honesty comes first with them.