Experts In The Middle East Are Using Drones To Unravel The Secrets Of A Mystery Civilization


Introducing The Nabataeans

The Land of Nabataeans Then and Now: The vast expanse of land that is now surveyed by modern devices was once under the watchful gaze of the ancient Nabataean people. This intriguing tribe, with its deeply rooted history, began as nomads, wandering the region for years. Over time, they transitioned from their nomadic ways to adopt a settled lifestyle, centering their lives around trade and agriculture.

Fascinatingly, they constructed awe-inspiring structures and consecrated sites, many of which have already piqued the interest of the archeological world. But as we look around today, there’s a sense of wonder about how different the landscape must have looked under their dominion. A world where every stone and corner might have had a tale to tell.