Historical Figures Who Were Called Crazy Until The Future Proved Them Right


1. General William ‘Billy’ Mitchell

General William ‘Billy’ Mitchell remains a significant figure among military historians today, particularly because of his unyielding belief in the potential of air power and the safety protocols of aircraft. It’s intriguing to note that during his time, Mitchell’s foresight about the value of aviation in combat was met with skepticism and even ridicule. His deep concern about the U.S.’s inadequate aerial defense was a result of the harsh lessons he learned during World War I.

Mitchell vigorously advocated for the expansion of the aviation department and a more pronounced U.S. air presence. However, during a demonstration where he aimed to show the vulnerability of a reputedly unsinkable German battleship to aerial assault, he faced accusations of dishonesty. Furthermore, when he fearlessly criticized military leaders for not ensuring the safety of valiant airmen, he faced severe consequences. Mitchell was court-martialed and branded insubordinate.