Sunken ‘U-Boat’ At The Bottom Of The Mediterranean Reveals A Chilling WWII Tale


Sunken tribute

Portofino, Italy, isn’t just a scenic getaway. It’s a portal to historical treasures submerged beneath its azure waters. The sea bed around this coastal paradise is a repository of tales from bygone times, tales narrated through the numerous shipwrecks that rest along the reef floor. Divers, both amateurs and seasoned, flock to Portofino, tempted by the allure of underwater exploration. The iconic statue, “Christ of the Abyss,” stands sentinel over this marine burial ground, greeting divers with a benevolent gaze. However, the true rewards of Portofino’s waters require a deeper descent, where ships from forgotten eras await rediscovery. Each dive is an expedition through time, and every artifact holds a story waiting to be unraveled.

The emblematic statue “Christ of the Abyss” stands as a silent sentinel, beckoning adventurers into the watery graveyard. However, it’s the hidden gems lying further below that truly offer the promise of discoveries untold.