Wild-But-True Stories About The Royal Rebel, Princess Margaret


Her morning routine was absurd

For most people, mornings are a mad rush, starting with the jolt of an alarm at 7:00 a.m., a hurried shower, and a rapid gulp of coffee before dashing off to work. Margaret, however, embraced a different rhythm. Her mornings were leisurely affairs, starting with a relaxed breakfast in bed at 9:00 a.m., followed by hours of chain-smoking and leisurely perusing the newspapers.

Margaret’s mornings were a world away from the typical hustle and bustle. Her maid would draw her a bath and do her hair and makeup, setting the tone for a day of leisure. By 12:30 p.m., she’d be ready for lunch, often accompanied by a splash of vodka, her spirit-lifter of choice, marking the start of her relaxed afternoon.