Pregnant Cab Driver Helps Homeless Man To Hospital, Next Morning She Sees This On The News


Waking up her husband

“Oh, my God! Kendall, look! That’s the homeless man I told you about,” Leah exclaimed, her voice filled with a mixture of surprise and urgency. She tugged at her husband’s arm more insistently than usual, her eyes glued to the TV screen where the news segment was airing. It was as if she had stumbled upon a hidden treasure, one that she needed Kendall to witness with his own eyes.

He was groggy, the kind of half-asleep where you’re not sure if you’re dreaming or awake. Squinting, he could barely make out the shapes in the room, wondering why the heck the world was so intent on disturbing his slumber. “What’s going on?” he mumbled, more to himself than anyone else, as he tried to escape the clutches of sleep.