Kelly Clarkson and Peyton Manning Will Host the Opening Ceremony for the 2024 Paris Olympics


The opening ceremony for the 2024 Paris Olympics will be co-hosted by Kelly Clarkson and Peyton Manning. They will co-host this ceremony with NBC Sports’ Mike Tirico. It seems to be a lifetime moment in Olympic history. The trio will kick off the 2024 Paris Games.


They have to train before the Olympics. Mike gave Kelly and Peyton plenty of reading materials. These reading elements are well-versed in each event. The singer said in an interview, “I’m so glad we can say it! We’ve been holding this for—I’m not a vault, I hate secrets.” The former quarterback said, “I’ll take boxing and sailing, you take archery and hockey. We’ll start there.”


Mike added, “Paris is doing it in a very Parisian way. Three and a half miles down the Seine with the athletes in boats, it’s gonna be one of the great scenes we’ve ever seen to start an Olympic Games.”


The trio announced the exciting project of The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon show. They said, “It’s an honor to be able to announce for the first time anywhere that, this year at the Summer Olympics in Paris, the opening ceremony will be hosted by yours truly, Peyton Manning, and Kelly Clarkson!


Fans also show their support for Clarkson’s big news. Tricia explained, “The opening ceremony is going to be different and unique. Down the Seine, down the river with the athletes on a boat, so it’s not the stadium where they walk in.” 


Manning shared, “I took a little French in high school, and I told my mother I would take her to Paris one day. Thirty years to the time I graduated, I’m taking my mom to Paris for the Olympics.” 


The hosts suggested that viewers will experience some changes such as the parade route will take place on the river Seine instead of in a coliseum.