Debunking The Myth About Christopher Columbus’ Discovery Of America


Sailing the seven seas

The ocean called to Columbus from a young age, beckoning him to its vast expanses and mysteries. By the tender age of ten, he had already embarked on his first seafaring adventure, a testament to the pull of the sea that would define his future. This early voyage under the flag of René of Anjou, aimed at the ambitious goal of seizing the Kingdom of Naples, marked the beginning of Columbus’s lifelong journey across the waters, a path that would eventually lead him to the shores of the New World.

The year 1476 marked a significant chapter in Columbus’s early seafaring career, as he joined a trade convoy destined for the northern reaches of Europe, making stops in England and Ireland. The details of these voyages remain shrouded in a certain level of mystery, yet there’s speculation that Columbus’s curiosity and relentless spirit of exploration may have even carried him to the cold, volcanic shores of Iceland.